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Prepare students for the digital age


​Technology has become an undeniable part of life for individuals and society, and whilst there is no doubt that the growth and capacity of ICTs in the classroom is hugely beneficial to student engagement and learning, teachers must encourage ethical behaviour when utilising ICTs.


We all know how much kids love to use technology, so when it comes to teaching them to use these resources we must make sure they know how to make smart choices.



Designed to speciffically target young children, the Cybersmart website is a Givernment initiative aimed at teaching children how to navigate the technolocigal world safely.


I have used this program throughout the year as a means of a fun and interactive way of helpong students identify potential risks and ways to manage them. By incorporating the Cybersmart website activities into a carefully planned lesson, and utilising such teaching theories as constructivism, connectivism and play-cased learning, students are showing a keen interest in the area of cyper safety and are demonstrating a range of skills including critical thinking, multiliteracy and analysis.

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